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Silver Spoons {junkyard fancy}

by Kimbrough

silver spoons2

Last month, my oldest son turned 18. EIGHTEEN.  It seems like just yesterday, we brought him home all fresh and cuddly from the hospital. Now he’s a man. He’s voting age. How did that happen so fast?

It’s times like these that make you take a step back from the rush of life to examine and enjoy the little things.

I find much enjoyment in little things like coffee first thing in the morning. Coffee is a daily ritual. Every night I set my coffee maker and I almost get giddy thinking about it being ready for me in the morning. I get to wake up and have a little comfort party in cup.

About a year ago, I added something to this ritual. I added this little jar of silver spoons that sits beside the coffee maker.

They are a hodge podge of patterns and sizes, once belonging to my Grandmother and my Great Aunt. I don’t know who they belonged to before that.

I pulled them out for a party and decided to keep them out for two reasons: 1) I’m a firm believer that special things are meant to be enjoyed and not relegated to just special occasions. 2) Most of our teaspoons seem to have disappeared over the years. They were victims of the garbage disposal, used as digging tools in the yard or thrown in the trash by accident.

A few years ago, some of my best high school girlfriends and I met in the mountains of NC for girls’ weekend. We stayed at my friend Oliver’s parents’ home. They have an amazing house, but one of the things about it that has stuck with me was that her Dad kept a little jar of silver spoons next to the coffee maker. What a sweet little detail.

I decided to be a total copy cat and not only put my silver spoons to daily use, but to put  them out right by my coffee maker.  It ‘s lovely reminder of my Grandmother, my Great Aunt and my friend, Oliver.

I don’t even mind polishing them.

silver polish

There’s something therapeutic in polishing old sliver. I love making it all shiny again. As I polish, I think about all the hands that might of held these spoons.

Do you have any items in your home that you wish you used more often? Pull them out and put them to use, even if it’s just a random Wednesday in November. I promise, you might just make that ordinary day not so ordinary after all.

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Ashley Applewhite November 20, 2014 - 8:45 am
Nice idea! I get especially nostalgic this time of year and love pulling out all of my inherited china and decorations. I just created a coffee bar in my kitchen as well so this would be an awesome addition!
Kim November 21, 2014 - 2:00 pm
Thanks, Ashley! I would love to have a coffee bar. Enjoy your inherited china and decorations. Now is the time! -Kim
Oliver November 20, 2014 - 8:45 am
So Sweet! Silver should be enjoyed every day; not stored under beds and in the back of closets! Your post is a great reminder of that. I love your sentiment about polishing silver. Next time you are in Winston-Salem I've got a big bottle of wine (or cold, cold beer) and a jar of silver polish with your name on it! So glad I can be the source of so much therapy!! Love you! XO, OTF
Kim November 21, 2014 - 2:02 pm
Oliver, I would GLADLY come and polish your silver. I wish I lived closer or I would be there TODAY! LOVE you and miss you!! -Kim

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